Monday, November 1, 2010

i'm never doing this again. until next year.

so halloween this year was a hit.

everything went off without a hitch.

smooth sailin'.

low key.

no stress.

girl, please.

as usual, i stressed over costumes.  and as usual, i waited until the last minute to construct what had to be "perfectly abnormal" costumes for our kidiots.

and let me emphasize "I" because the aviator did not help.  not one little bit.  nope.  he was too busy studying.  so he could pass his exams.  in flight school.  like that's hard or something.  i can ace an aerodynamics test upside down.  with my eyes closed.  and both hands tied behind my back.   but the aviator can't.  so he studied.  

"hey, what's aerodynamics?  "

"aerodynamics is a branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a moving object.  the use of aerodynamics through mathematical analysis, empirical approximations, wind tunnel experimentation, and computer simulations form the scientific basis for heavier-than-air flight."

"huh?  i'm hungry."

the aviator is way smarter than i am.  i'm pretty sure of that.

but i am waaaaaaayyyyy better at freaking out than he will ever be.  

and before i get started, let me show you the pumpkins that we picked out 2 weeks ago at the pumpkin patch. 

this is the before shot.  i bought a book of patterns and downloaded a texas rangers pattern to carve 'em up.  this will be the best halloween EVER!

the theme of the costumes this year was 80's tv characters.  i tried to get the aviator to dress up as the jolly green giant, but he didn't feel comfortable in the green tights.  i think we know why.

big c and little c "decided" on the tootsie pop owl and stay puft marshmallow man.

it was totally their decision.

no outside influences.  none.

and this picture is from day 2 of trick or treating.

and yes, 2 days of costumes and trick or treating IS indeed a beating.  don't try it.

this is day 1.  i was sweating.  and not because it was hot.  and i was crying.  because i couldn't find the white face paint, and halloween was ruined.

and little c was mad.

day 2: not so much.  it must have been all the sugar racing through his blood.

this is day 1.  i was sweating.  because i'm old and i do that.  and i was crying.  because the aviator told me to simmer down.  because i was yelling about not being able to find the white face paint.

and big c was a dork.

and this is day 2.  she just wanted the candy.  to hell with the costume.

we took the kids to base housing to trick or treat.  more bang for your buck over there.

and more houses.

and less distance between.

because we're lazy.  don't judge.

this was our crew.

it was a good lookin' bunch.

we had princesses.  and spiderman.  and batgirl.  and a flapper.  and a fisherman.  and carlos from the hangover.  and a candycorn.

and goose.  from top gun.

and we had this little ladybug.  and she makes me want to have another baby right now.  a red head one.

i would call her shoshana.  for no reason other than i just saw part of inglorious basterds.

but seriously, isn't this the cutest ladybug you've ever seen in your life?

the answer is yes.

big c has a new bff.  like, omg.  they totally sit next to each other at school.  and like, do things.  and her dad's in flight school.  and she's rad.

so we'll keep her.

i have a new friend too.  it's candycorn's mom, maily.

here's her profile.

she ate all of the candy.

not really.

we probably won't be friends anymore since i posted this.  but she's rad too.

and she's pregnant.  lucky.

little c found a ghostbuster.  totally made his day.

little c also made sure he grabbed all of the almond joys out of the candy dishes.  and he doesn't like them.

he's my favorite.

then he bumped into audrey from school.  they have a thing.  they had a moment.

ummm, seriously, little c.  step on it if you're going to score the good candy for mom.  sponge bobs are a dime a dozen.

thank you.

and you'll notice that i don't have quite as many shots of big c.

they were trick or sprinting.  i don't play that.

here they are.  they were "done".

for real?

30 minutes?

that can't possibly be enough almond joys.  and twixesses.

but that's okay.  candy will be on clearance tomorrow anyways.

and for the final reveal on our carved pumpkins.......

i took this picture today.

i suck as a mom.

we're tossing them tomorrow.

happy halloween.

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