Sunday, November 14, 2010

they're better than footie pajamas. they're aviators.

api class circa 1975.  the creepy porn star mustaches give it away.

i mean, everyone knows that it's completely uncool, un-hip, un-mannish to wear a mustache these days.  ESPECIALLY if you're in the military.

but in the 70's, it was legit. encouraged.  accepted.

one might expect such antics from a naval officer.  the navy doesn't know any better.

but the coast guard.... they were taught.  briefed.  learned.

yet, i think my husband, the aviator, was absent that day.


i know my last post was about the mustache.  but step off.  i'm still unhappy about it.

let's focus on more important issues.

for example: this is the face of an aviator.  a person in charge of an aircraft.  an expensive aircraft.  protecting our country.

scary, huh?

okay, okay.  so the more important thing is that the aviator just finished the academic portion of API.

API stands for "single mother".  it lasts for 4 weeks.  4 very long weeks.  4 very lonely weeks.  4 very stressful and short fused weeks.

i have never been so happy to get through 4 weeks in my life.  and i was just a bystander.  a pissy little bystander.

the aviator studied.  a lot.  and he almost failed twice.  with an 88 and a 92.  or something like that.

but it's over.  and he made it through.  and i'm so proud of him.

see?  this is me being proud of him.

and i went with him to his class party to celebrate with him.

it was a big day.  mostly because the officer's club on base had shiner bock on tap.  and that never happens out here.  also, because he finished his final exam.  and he passed it.  and he got his first pair of big boy pants: his flight suit.  a onesie.

they all got 'em.  here they are, people.  our military.  grown-ups wearing onesies.  looking suave.  drinking beers. sporting mustaches.

api class.  circa friday.  2010.

the aviator is in the middle (in case you couldn't spot him because of the... well, you know).

the rest of these guys are navy.  and like i said, they aren't supposed to know better.

only they do know better because these guys study a lot harder and make better grades than everyone else.  but that's probably because there isn't much of a social life for folks with their facial fashion sense.

and sadly, i would hang out with any of them.  because they're good dudes.  and they're funny.  and sometimes that's hard to find.

here are the token coasties.  they're few and far between.  that's why they stick together.

through thick and thin.

and when one of them doesn't know what to do with his hands....

the other one is there to hug it out.

because they're men.

seriously guys.  get a room.

since this shindig was on a friday afternoon, and this was a big deal, and the blue angels were flying that day, we took little c with us.

and truth be told, the only real reason we brought him was because we don't have a sitter for him. but that's just because we're crazy good parents and we don't trust many people to keep our children.  i don't know where big c was.  i hope she got a ride home from school.

and speaking of good parenting....

it totally looks like little c is sitting at the bar.  having already sucked down his drink, he's chasing it with what appears to be a coke.

with cherries.  because he's the man.

"hey bartender.  hit me again.  and keep 'em coming."

and naturally, they kept 'em coming.  he'd wink at the bartender (male or female), and poof.... another glass.

of course they were just glasses full of cherries.  it's every kid's dream.  he ate the cherries for lunch and washed them down with the coke.  

we believe in high sugar intake.

and "free" meals.


we're on our way to becoming those cool parents that every teenager dreams of having.

minus all the money. and expensive things.  and stuff.  and cool names like "katarina" and "sergio".

someone who does have a cool name though, is this girl.  she's in the aviator's class.

if i were a dude, and i'm totally not anymore, i'd take her name if we got married.

and so would all of these guys.  right now they're fighting over her.  trying to win her affection.  one. mustache. at. a. time.

i think the cat on the left is going in for the kill.  or the shocker.  either way, it's pretty hot.  and only slightly weird.

and while i've brought to your attention the awesomeness of the mustache crew, again, let's take a closer look at a couple of them.

this is turnbull.

turnbull grew this mustache for the entire 4 weeks.  he's a pretty big deal around here.  and that's a pretty  impressive growth.  it gives him mad luck with the ladies.

and at 25, he says he feels old.  no, wait. i think he said that 25 IS old.

i'm 33.

and i'm sure that old feeling is probably just from the gray hair on the side of his head.  caused by api.  and mustaches.  and not knowing how old old is.

and this is behne.  behne worked so hard to win the affection of little c.  i think he's grabbing him right here. or maybe he's tickling him.  only i don't think little c is laughing.  nope.  he's definitely not having fun.  that's fear on his face.

no worries.  he broke free.  and he went on to entertain and amuse all of the aviators with his childlike antics on the steps.  just before they raised their shots.

and i spotted behne alone on the stair rail.  trying to be cute.  trying to make everyone pay attention to him instead of little c.

but it was just sorta creepy.

and then there's cho.

and this guy is really lucky to be married to me.  or married at all.  or in a relationship with a person.  a real living person.

but i love him.

because he's a good husband.

and a wonderful father.  because sometimes you don't have to pay attention to your kids to show them you love them.  and he knows that.

and he's a pelican.  notice how he's holding the drink in his mouth.


all joking aside, it was truly a great day.  with good people.  and i was glad to be a part of it.  and proud to leave with MY aviator.  my pelican.  my porn star.

bow chicka bow wow.

-dimply stacy

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